Environment Modules

We use “Environment Modules” to keep the environment clean. For application software, a corresponding module must be loaded before using the software. The module will set all paths and environment variables necessary to use the software. Environment Modules are simple to use.

For example, to use the software called Matlab, first load the Matlab module by typing:

module load matlab

If users apply a particular module frequently, they can add the module to the existing “module load” command in a shell script file depending on which shell they are using. The default shell on Andromeda is the bash (.bash profile). There are some basic commands:

  • List all currently available modules: module avail                         
  • List all modules currently loaded:module list                         
  • Add or load one or more modulefile: module load modulefile         
  • Unload modulefile:module unload modulefile         
  • Replace mod1 with mod2:module switch mod1 mod2         

There should be no need for a user to manually set a path to run application software that is available to all users of the system.

For example:

[johnchris@l001 ~]$ module load R/4.2.1-intel.2020
Loading R/4.2.1-intel.2020
Loading requirement: intel/2020

[johnchris@l001 ~]$ which R

[johnchris@l001]$ module avail

---------------------------------------------------- /cm/shared/modulefiles--------------------------------------------------
allennlp/2.6.0gpu(default)    gcc/7.4.0    mpich/3.4rc1.intel2020    R/4.1.2-intel.2020mkl
amber/22(default)    gcc/9.2.0    mpich/ge/gcc/64/3.3.2    R/4.2.1-intel.2020
anaconda/4.4.0-P2.7    gcc/10.2.0    mplus/8.9(default)    R/4.2.1gnu9.2.0
anaconda/2021.11-p3.9    gcc8/8.4.0    mvapich2/gcc/64/2.3.2    Raxml/8.2.12
anaconda/2023.07-p3.11    gdb/8.3.1    neci/1.0.0(default)    Raxml/8.2.12.AVX
apbs/3.0.0(default)    git-gcc8/2.28.0    netcdf/4.5.0F.intel    Raxml/8.2.12.AVX.MPI

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