Jupyter Notebooks on Andromeda

  1. Create a Conda Environment

Before you start, you will need to create a conda environment. If you already have a conda environment set up, you can skip to the next step. You can load the Miniconda module with module load miniconda3/miniconda. Then, create a conda environment with conda create -n env_name python=3.9. When prompted to continue, hit “y”. 

This will create a conda environment called “env_name” using Python version 3.9, though you can use any version. Finally, activate the environment with conda activate env_name. For more information on conda environments, you can see the related document.

  1.  Install and run Jupyter

Now, install jupyter to your conda environment with conda install jupyter. You will be prompted to continue; hit “y”, and conda will proceed. Once installed, run jupyter notebook –no-browser –ip=$(hostname -i). In most cases, this should be done on a compute node, i.e. by executing it in a Slurm batch script. For example, you may use the following batch script:

$ jupyter_test.sl



#SBATCH –job-name=jupyter_test

#SBATCH –output=slurm_%x_%j.out

#SBATCH –time=0-00:10:00

#SBATCH –ntasks=1 –cpus-per-task=1 –mem-per-cpu=500mb

# Load the miniconda module and activate the environment with Jupyter

module load miniconda3/miniconda

conda activate env_name

# Navigate to the directory containing the .ipynb file you want to run

cd (path to working directory)

# Start the notebook

jupyter notebook –no-browser –ip=$(hostname -i)


Submit this job sbatch jupyter_test.sl. This will start a Jupyter notebook session on a shared node. Once the Jupyter server is activated, check which node the job is running on with squeue -u <YOUR_USER_ID>. This will output something like

Here, the notebook is executing on node c110. Save this for later. You will also need to inspect the output file; this job has id 2249324, so you read the file with cat slurm_jupyter_test_2249324.out:

Note the section in the red box. It reads “ stuff)”. The “8888” is the port number which the Jupyter server is listening on. You will now need to forward an ssh connection from your local machine to the Compute node. From your home computer, type

ssh -L 8888:<YOUR_NODE>:<PORT_NUMBER> <YOUR_USER_ID>@andromeda.bc.edu, where, in this case, the port number is 8888 and the node is c110. 

This will start an ssh session on Andromeda; leave the following  session open.

On your local computer, open Google Chrome or Safari and paste the token into the browser. This should open your remote Jupyter session and you should be able to run and modify the code shown below

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