
‘shosts’ shows each Compute node’s information (processors, RAM memory etc.) on Andromeda.

To view the free compute nodes’ information on Andromeda, type:

[johnchris@l001 simple_stata]$ shosts -f

  1. A/I/O/T means Allocated/Idle/Other/Total
  2. Memory is in GB
  3. The default Partition has a ‘*’

We recommend that users use the -f option to check compute node information before submitting jobs to the cluster. This option lists free memory and available processors for each compute node on Andromeda, providing a useful reference for users.

NODELISTCPU nodes: c001 to c226, GPU node: g001 to g012
PARTITIONName of partitions: shared, exclusive, gpu100, gpuv100
STATEPossible states include: allocated, completing, down, drained, draining, fail, failing, future, idle
MEMORYTotal RAM memory for the Compute node: 250GB, 185GB and 495GB
FREE_MEMFree RAM memory available on the compute node
CPUS(A/I/O/T)A: Allocated; I: Idle; O; TFor example: 40/24/0/64
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