The ‘sprio’ command allows users to view the factors that impact a job’s scheduling priority.
[johnchris@l001 ~/bin]$ sprio
2197265 exclusive 1037321 0 1000000 36269 52 1000
2197266 exclusive 1037321 0 1000000 36269 52 1000
2197267 exclusive 1037321 0 1000000 36269 52 1000
2197268 exclusive 1037321 0 1000000 36269 52 1000
2197269 exclusive 1037321 0 1000000 36269 52 1000
2197270 exclusive 1037321 0 1000000 36269 52 1000
2197271 exclusive 1037321 0 1000000 36269 52 1000
2197272 exclusive 1037321 0 1000000 36269 52 1000
2197273 exclusive 1037321 0 1000000 36269 52 1000
2197274 exclusive 1037321 0 1000000 36269 52 1000
2197275 exclusive 1037295 0 1000000 36269 26 1000
2197276 exclusive 1037295 0 1000000 36269 26 1000
2197277 exclusive 1037295 0 1000000 36269 26 1000
2197278 exclusive 1037295 0 1000000 36269 26 1000
2197279 exclusive 1037295 0 1000000 36269 26 1000
2197280 exclusive 1037295 0 1000000 36269 26 1000
2197281 exclusive 1037295 0 1000000 36269 26 1000
2197283 exclusive 1037295 0 1000000 36269 26 1000
2197284 exclusive 1037295 0 1000000 36269 26 1000
2205453 exclusive 1035564 0 1000000 34542 22 1000
2205454 exclusive 1035564 0 1000000 34542 22 1000
2205455 exclusive 1035564 0 1000000 34542 22 1000
2205456 exclusive 1035564 0 1000000 34542 22 1000